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Peach- Week 13

This week you are 2.9 inches long and weigh about 0.81 oz and are becoming more proportional. Even though you're only the size of a peach you already have tiny fingerprints and your vocal cords are starting to form.

This week marks the last of the first trimester, and my body can feel it! Almost as if a switch was flipped my energy started to increase (not by much) and the little bit of nausea is almost completely gone! We had an appointment this week and your heartbeat is still a nice strong 150. You moved around and this time you were right in the middle when Jennifer, the midwife, found you with the doppler. We returned to Virginia and work this week, trying to get back into the swing of things. Stephen left on Saturday for 2 weeks, missing our first Bradley Method class. The class is small- just 3 couples- and class 1 didn't bring many new revelations. I also started swimming again this week, besides feeling out of shape and needing a bigger suit it feels great to be active and have some energy to swim! I know that I said I was going to starting taking bump photos at 12 weeks. Obviously I didn't. I don't feel bump-y enough right now, just fat (which is good, baby needs it in the future). I will try and take the photos but I may not post them- its a tricky thing gaining weight. Logically you know its good for baby and a natural part of pregnancy, but a small part of me still just feels fat. I'm ready for the 'pop'! How Far Along: 13 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 10 lbs

Maternity Clothes: yes, lots of yoga pants (which need to go up a size)

Stretch Marks: not sure if the ones at my hips are new or old...breaking out the coconut oil!

Sleep: better now that we are back in our own bed

Best Moment This Week: hearing your heartbeat again!

Miss Anything: ease of moving without an extra 10 lbs on me

Movement: butterflies every once in a while, especially if you are hungry or angry with me

Food Cravings: i wish! not craving much of anything, sweets still appealing the most

Aversions: smells! I'm like a bloodhound Gender: I still think girl! :) Labor Signs: too early! Belly Button: in Wedding Rings: on Exercise: started swimming again! walking Odin Mood: getting better, less rage with Stephen Looking Forward To: happy 2nd trimester

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