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Avocado- Week 16

This week you are the size of an avocado! You weight about 3.5 ounces and are about 4.6 inches long- you are growing a lot! You are growing hair, lashes and eyebrows and thanks to the tiny bones forming in your ears you can hear voices. We are also now able to hear your heartbeat with the fetoscope, even though it was faint.

So nice to have the hubs back after his time TDY- distance does make the heart grow fonder :) After all the snow days last week we had 3 days of work and then 2 more days of no work. On Tuesday I had a weird emotional day- just needed some time and a hug- in a way that you cannot explain or have ever needed it before. I am so thankful that there are 2 athletic trainers and I could take a personal day. Food is getting better, I am realizing how much of a psychological relationship I have with food. Good, bad, indifferent just recognizing it has been interesting. We were also fortunate to receive lots of free baby gear from one of Stephen's co-workers. We won't be using everything that was given to us but the thought was so special- and a free carseat is great! The list of things to get is getting smaller and smaller. I have been focusing a lot on just getting the essentials- start teaching our children from a young age that its not about "stuff" How Far Along: 16 weeks

Total Weight Gain: ~10 pounds

Maternity Clothes: mostly yoga pants and 1 pair of maternity jeans and 1 pair of work pants

Stretch Marks: not yet

Sleep: interrupted by bathroom breaks but getting pretty solid hours

Best Moment This Week: flip turn felt good during my swim!

Miss Anything: being able to skip meals

Movement: starting to feel more aggressive movement- a little like cramps and kicks

Food Cravings: none :/

Aversions: smell dependent- happens a lot when cooking dinner Gender: still think girl! Labor Signs: too early! Belly Button: in Wedding Rings: on Exercise: swimming and walking Odin Mood: oh what a roller coaster! Looking Forward To: Check up next week and anatomy scan at 20 weeks!

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