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Onion- Week 17

This week you are the size of an onion- about 5.1 inches long and 5.9 ounces. You are growing a stronger umbilical cord and your bones are turning from cartilage to bone. You are starting to kick and move, enough that I can start to feel it.

This week was a roller coaster of emotion! Bless every husband and partner who has to live with a pregnant woman. We really do not mean it, we are just ruled by our emotions. Remember that we love you and its all worth it :) Thankfully there was only 1 day of chaos before returning to some semblance of normalcy. This week we had our 17 week check up- everything is looking good- your HR was still about 150 bpm. We were also able to schedule the anatomy scan for Feb 17th- yay! That is only week 19 but its President's Day so Stephen doesn't have to work- making it easier for all. So excited to find out if baby is a boy or girl- hopefully baby cooperates! We are crossing quite a bit off our to-do list- the last big things are finding a pediatrician and getting birth supplies together. Lots of little things are still on the list but knowing most of the big things are checked off is a great feeling! One of the only things you can control in pregnancy are checking items off a to-do list. We have also decided to get a doula locally. At first I had wanted to fly out a friend as a doula- but you never know when baby will arrive. One reason I chose home birth is because I don't want to stress about transportation; doesn't make sense to stress about a doula getting there in time. I also want this birth experience to be about Stephen and I welcoming our child together. Yes we will have a large support community around us with a doula, birth assistant, midwife and probably a midwife student; but they are outside people who have only known us a small time. This way it will be about us and something we did together start to finish. How Far Along: 17 weeks

Total Weight Gain: ~ 12 pounds- I have stopped really looking at the scale

Maternity Clothes: same old story

Stretch Marks: not yet

Sleep: slept a lot this week but was sick :/

Best Moment This Week: hearing heartbeat is always the best!

Miss Anything: energy....

Movement: feeling you move more and more

Food Cravings: nope- would be nice! cold things are still nicer than warm

Aversions: smells rule my likes and dislikes :/ Gender: still think girl- 11 days until we find out! Labor Signs: too early! Belly Button: in Wedding Rings: on Exercise: not as much this week- just some walks with Odin Mood: ROLLER COASTER! was better at the end of the week Looking Forward To: finding out if you are a boy or girl!

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