What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a question you are asked from a very young age- one that many people still don't have...

2016- What Does it Bring?
A dear friend and I were chatting the other day- about the feeling that we are always catching up. She also does a blog (her's actually...

Coming Soon!
I have stayed busy this fall! Toddlerhood is in full swing here at the Hudak house and both (the little man and the pup) are keeping my...

Babywearing Week (a month later)
You may have noticed I just added a babywearing page under motherhood here on the site. Babywearing is a huge part of who I am as a...

Mommy Conventions- Worth It?
Recently I was able to attend two mommy conventions/expos- MommyCon in Washington DC and a smaller expo in Baltimore- Birth, Bellies and...

Crunchy Home
I would say that I have a pretty crunchy home- we avoid synthetic fragrances and products, sticking to natural, organic and reusable...

Some Hooah-dak Pictures
One of my friends lent me this diaper- its the Army's current uniform pattern- ACU (Army Combat Uniform) and is embroidered with Hooah!...

September is Going to be FUN
I am one of those people who loves starting a new month in their planner. Seeing all the empty boxes and then filling them up with...

Changing it Up
Obviously you've noticed some change- since you are on this site, reading this post. You know I moved away from blogger and onto a...

So You Want to Have a Baby...My Recommendations
I will be the first to admit I am still learning about this journey we call motherhood. Phen is my first and I was fairly lucky to have...